What is Hospice?
Hospice provides supportive care to people and their families who are facing an incurable illness – and who have a life expectancy of six months or less if the illness runs its normal course. This compassionate care is provided wherever the patient needs it, whether at home, at a residential care facility, or in a skilled nursing facility.

When Is It Time For Hospice
Receiving specialized hospice care early in the process of an incurable illness can often have a real impact on pain relief, symptom management, anxiety, fatigue, and depression.
How To Choose A Hospice Provider
When choosing a hospice to care for you or your loved one, it is important to speak to the hospice provider before service begins. Below are a series of helpful questions to ask any prospective hospice care provider and decide based on their answers.

Paying For Hospice
The majority of hospice patients will be eligible for Medicare hospice benefits. These benefits cover up to 100% of hospice services. Hospice patients do not have to relinquish any of their benefits unrelated to hospice. Coverage includes everything involved in hospice care, from visits by a nurse, physician and other healthcare professionals to therapy, medication and supplies.
Veteran Care
We are proud to announce that we work in cooperation with We Honor Veterans, an established program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that helps provide care and support that reflect the important contributions made by these men and women.

End Of Life Planning
It can be difficult to even think about end-of-life situations and an even more daunting task to actually plan for it. However, the truth is that most people have strong preferences about how they would like to be treated and cared for in their final months, weeks, and days. To avoid any issues, rushed judgements, and disputes between loved ones, end-of-life planning should be made a priority.
Funeral Planning
Losing a loved one is a time of difficulty and great stress for families. And this stress is only compounded by the many hours of planning involved in coordinating a funeral. In our effort to not only provide exceptional care for our patients while they are here but to also provide comfort and support for our patients’ loved ones and family, Faith in Angels’ social worker can provide assistance and counseling during the process of planning a funeral.